divendres, 8 de març del 2013


Si tens l'oportunitat de passejar-te per Madrid, no et perdis la zona de Pontejos (Plaza Pontejos, Calle Marqués Viudo de Pontejos, Calle Esparteros…), just al darrere de Sol. Aquí trobaràs mil i una botiga de teixits i merceries, el que no trobes a Pontejos, no ho trobes enlloc. Impossible marxar sense caure en la temptació! Algunes botigues ja han celebrat el centenari i es conserven igual que als seus inicis. És molt curiós de veure, una manera diferent de visitar Madrid! 
I una mica més enllà, hi ha dues botigues que són encantadores, es tracten de Black Oveja i Sweet Sixteen Craft Store, plenes de llanes, fils i robes, i si vius per la zona, aprofita els seus tallers i monogràfics!

If you have the opportunity to visit Madrid and you are a craft lover, I really recommend you getting lost in Pontejos area (Plaza Pontejos, Calle Marqués Viudo de Pontejos, Calle Esparteros…). It’s just behind Plaza del Sol, in the city center of Madrid. Here, you can find all the sewing material that you might need for your creations and you can choose your fabric from a variety of hundreds of different types. It’s impossible not to leave without buying anything, this happened to me! :)

It was my first time there and I was really impressed. Some of these stores are more than a hundred years old! It seems that time stopped at the beginning of the XX century. They have been at the same place for a long time and they preserve the same furniture and decorations. It’s a different way to visit Madrid!

A little far from Plaza del Sol, you can find two more crafty stores: Black Oveja and Sweet Sixteen Craft Store. They are really cute and their material is really nice. And if you live in Madrid or nearby, it might interest you because they organize courses and workshops!

I bought these two types of fabrics. I already have a few ideas for use them, so, we’ll see…!

Nova actualització: 17/05/2013 
En aquest blog trobareu més i més botigues de teles a Madrid / In this blog you will find more directions of fabric stores in Madrid. http://miprimeramaquinadecoser.blogspot.com.es/2013/04/guia-de-tiendas-de-telas-por-madrid.html

I took some pictures of the stores, but It was Saturday afternoon and they were closed. Fortunately, I could stop by on Monday morning before going to the airport. :)

Almacen de Pontejos was created in 1913!

Highly recommended! :)

2 comentaris:

  1. Ja sas què en faràs d'aquestes teles tan guais? :p

    1. Síiii! Ho haig d'acabar de mirar bé, però crec que sí, que ja sé què faré...


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